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About Us

The Community of Anti-Racism Practice


Providing high level expertise and extensive experiences in change management, anti-racism and anti-oppression strategies, witnessing responsibilities and considerations, alternative approaches for creating safe spaces for Black, Indigenous and Racialized as well as non-stigmatized Canadians.

A source of reliable and brief questions you can ask your team to assess the scope of institutional challenges complemented with an equity framework with which to analyze trends and patterns:

  • Building on a unique understanding of racial and intersectional demographics and experiences

  • Applying policies and best practices to protect and promote human rights and citizenship guarantees

  • FCN offers multidisciplinary assessment to helps clients analyse racial stigma and develop plans to reduce both systemic and individual stigmatization

  • The teams are led by Akwatu Khenti, as Principal Consultant

We would welcome the opportunity to support your leadership teams to harness workplace diversity towards greater safety, productivity and attained results. Indicators of effectiveness and success are as follows:

  • Clients better understand their own workplace contexts, issues and challenges

  • Clients agree wholeheartedly that their input is well incorporated into plans and tools

  • Training and capacity building competencies are endorsed, accepted and instituted into the workplace culture

Team Brainstorm
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